
Our Clients Reviews

Learn what our guests have to say. Browse customer feedback on our pirate-themed house for rent in the Galveston Historical Area.

Our stay at the pirate-themed house was unforgettable! The unique decor and excellent amenities made our Galveston vacation truly special.

Staff members at Broadway Palms Galveston standing together outdoors
Julia H. Miller Designation

Broadway Palms exceeded our expectations. The pirate house offered fantastic entertainment options and a comfortable stay in the heart of Galveston's Historic District."

Team of staff members posing together outside at Broadway Palms Galveston.
Matthew Haugen Designation

Orci pretium penatibus euismod faucibus convallis taciti habitasse interdum. Netus fermentum mi erat porttitor orci viverra.

Group of smiling staff members outdoors at Broadway Palms Galveston.
Lamont Shoop Designation
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